Copyright 2022 雷科达企业管理(上海)有限公司 沪ICP备19017103号-3 隐私政策 Terms of Use 技术支持:中企动力 浦西
Medical Refrigeration
- 分类:重点行业
- 作者:
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- 发布时间:2022-01-20
- 访问量:0
【概要描述】Proper storage and system monitoring is necessary in order to ensure the integrity and quality in medical refrigeration. We provide high performance variable speed motors, controls, and power transmission components that maximize equipment performance and enhance operating profits by reducing energy cost.
Medical Refrigeration
【概要描述】Proper storage and system monitoring is necessary in order to ensure the integrity and quality in medical refrigeration. We provide high performance variable speed motors, controls, and power transmission components that maximize equipment performance and enhance operating profits by reducing energy cost.
- 分类:重点行业
- 作者:
- 来源:
- 发布时间:2022-01-20
- 访问量:0
Proper storage and system monitoring is necessary in order to ensure the integrity and quality in medical refrigeration. We provide high performance variable speed motors, controls, and power transmission components that maximize equipment performance and enhance operating profits by reducing energy cost.