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Cybersecurity Within Cloud-Based Condition Monitoring
- 分类:认识PerceptivTM 智能
- 作者:
- 来源:
- 发布时间:2022-01-20
- 访问量:0
【概要描述】We've seen a transition in recent years from on-site, wired condition monitoring to online and remote wireless monitoring. Instead of capturing data on local servers or stand-alone data loggers, data is now often captured via cloud-based software. Because of recent current events, cybersecurity is top of mind for most business owners. At Regal, protecting IT infrastructure and data is a top priority. Regal utilizes the latest security tools, techniques, and system monitoring to assure the protection and confidentiality of our systems and data.
Cybersecurity Within Cloud-Based Condition Monitoring
【概要描述】We've seen a transition in recent years from on-site, wired condition monitoring to online and remote wireless monitoring. Instead of capturing data on local servers or stand-alone data loggers, data is now often captured via cloud-based software. Because of recent current events, cybersecurity is top of mind for most business owners. At Regal, protecting IT infrastructure and data is a top priority. Regal utilizes the latest security tools, techniques, and system monitoring to assure the protection and confidentiality of our systems and data.
- 分类:认识PerceptivTM 智能
- 作者:
- 来源:
- 发布时间:2022-01-20
- 访问量:0